The subterranean switching yard narrows again, walls converging with a rush.
True, the walls converged slightly, leaving a 4-meter gap between them, but then they fell away from each other-in fact very far away.
As occupants rise through the building walls converge to constrict upper levels, shifting the internal scale of the building to a domestic sense suited for living.
To left and right the black wall converged at vanishing points.
The white walls converged on both sides of the door, making whoever was on the steps an easy target.
Long horizontal outer walls of understated native sandstone and horizontal bands of windows converge to create a dramatic entry.
You can go to Samad's deli, 2867 Broadway, between 111th and 112th Streets, where the walls converge at a 26-degree angle to create a disorienting triangular space.
Wall and ceiling one continuous curve, which was the outer side of the ball; the other walls converging to a point at the ball's center.
Its floor was circular, and the walls, by reason of the projectile shape, converged slightly towards the ceiling.
To the dizziest height they floated, and the walls of the shaft converged to a point far below.