Jason dialed a strong drink from the wall dispenser and flopped into the armchair.
They were in a deserted recreation room near the bridge, collecting the meals they had ordered through the small wall dispenser.
She saw that she was standing beside the wall dispenser, moved slightly so the woman could drop a couple of coins into the slot.
Jeffrey went to get a pair of gloves off the wall dispenser.
Easy-to-find toilet paper (rather than the unit's built-in wall dispenser which conceals the roll).
Further condoms are available from wall dispensers.
He crossed to a corner sink and washed his hands with a virulent-looking red liquid soap from a wall dispenser.
She opened her eyes and reached for the soap in the wall dispenser, refusing to look at her reflection.
"Oops is right," Anne told him, pulling a paper napkin from the wall dispenser and mopping up the mess.
He washes his armpits at one of the laundry sinks and dries with paper towels taken from a wall dispenser.