A pink wall dominated "Up Against the Wall" and fountains of light rose from it toward the ceiling.
An oversized stone mantel liberated from some draughty Hampshire manor dominated one wall.
A manor, palace, walled gardens, and low walls dominated the village.
Further right where the crag is at its highest, a clean wall at around half height dominates the cliff.
A tie-dyed wall hanging dominates the back of the stage.
In other words, lapis lazuli backsplashes and lacquered aluminum media walls do not dominate daily existence.
A china cabinet stood before one wall and a ship's barometer dominated another.
The huge outer wall dominates the life of the settlement, overshadowing everything.
Windsor Castle's fortified walls dominate the delightful town that has grown up around it over the years.
A tall, thick wall that can be spun around dominates the stage.