On the left side of the patio, there is a wall fountain in the shape of a lion head.
A wall fountain is $210, a fish platter with an animated village scene $105.
The decorative wall tiles, placed above the smaller wall fountain and basin, were purchased from Syria.
He'll also take you to the kitchen (large enough to serve the entire complex), which leads to the harem, with another courtyard, wall fountain and dilap.
In the very heart of the turbulent Quarter, all you hear is the music of the wall fountains.
The shadiest corner is enlivened with a wall fountain and pool.
Workmen even removed the imprinted block of cement be- low the wall fountain, but there was nothing be- hind it.
The eastern end has a Mediterranean style tiled wall fountain and open flagstone area.
Later, in the 16th century, a more sophisticated version of the wall fountain appeared, based on the design of ancient Roman street fountains.
There is a courtyard paved with heads of cats, an old wall fountain, and three bridges between buildings.