I stopped at the back wall, hidden by a long row of bookshelves.
Claudia was standing with her body pressed to the cabinets on the near wall, almost hidden from the door.
You will bring Shae to me through the walls, hidden from all these eyes.
I resettled the sword against the wall, hidden behind and beneath the table.
We reached a corner of the wall, hidden from all the people above.
He was already crossing the room towards where a slender woman was still standing against the far wall, almost hidden behind three men.
To our left were the steep walls of the valley, hidden by the trees.
She simply leaned against the wall, hidden by a thick hedge along the neighbor's property line, and wondered what was going on with her body.
Shasa went past her to the wall safe hidden behind one of the paintings.
The man had been leaning against the wall, hidden by shadows.