Decorative wall inscriptions include the names of families who once lived in Cherasco.
Kelson glanced at the next row of wall inscriptions.
Now she bounced on her rims, eager to get ashore and read the wall inscriptions that were said to be abundant in this place.
From wall inscriptions found in a few Buyur ruins, we know two transfer points used to serve this system.
Together with photos, he wrote descriptions of wall inscriptions and documents, never before seen in Western Europe.
"I did find some wall inscriptions," Ed remarked.
Inside the mosque there are 192 monumental wall inscriptions written by the famous calligraphers of that period.
He made his way down the stone steps into the burial chamber and immediately set about translating the wall inscriptions.
The church of the Assumption is a three-nave hall church and contains a wall inscription from the 15th century.
There are several steles and wall inscriptions in Greek language in the theatre.