They may be constructed from various materials, including plastic, plywood, or even wall paneling.
The 77-year-old company brought in revenues of $410 million last year, selling products ranging from chairs to wall paneling.
He got a job in a plant that made wall paneling and shortly concluded that it was a dead end.
It is today named after its pine wall paneling.
The section of wall paneling slid closed again, concealing the video screen.
The small door clicked shut, its frame almost indistinguishable in the wall paneling.
Like the wall paneling, the side tables and the matching long oval coffee table were cherry wood.
Large areas of wall paneling had been removed, and in a few places he could tell the decking was temporarily replaced.
By then, Tolliver was opening a small safe built into the exquisite wall paneling.
Sparks escaped from behind the wall paneling with little hisses and pops.