Light flickered beyond the window that formed the back wall of the office and a crack of thunder reverberated through its thick glass.
The floor and walls reverberated with its sound.
The wooden walls reverberated with it, and Locke flinched.
A faint humming could be heard, as if the walls of the hall reverberated with fey music.
The walls, the floor, and the air itself reverberated with the rhythm of a slow heartbeat.
The walls reverberated, the windowpanes rattled, and still the Homeric laughter continued.
The walls of the room were reverberating with flashes.
Maybe the walls of the house reverberated with it, soft though it was.
The very walls of the cabin reverberated, driven like speaker diaphragms through the power of the enemy force field that still gripped the butchered hull.
Wood floors and bare walls reverberate.