Altering of wall rocks can also form sinters near fumaroles and in the deeper channels of hot springs.
Crystal size and mineral assemblages are usually oriented parallel to the wall rock or even concentric for pegmatite lenses.
Exoskarns occur at and outside the granite which produced them, and are alterations of wall rocks.
The vast east face, including the area known as The Diamond, is home to many classic big wall rock climbing routes.
The size of the aureole depends on the heat of the intrusion, its size, and the temperature difference with the wall rocks.
It is similar and in many cases interchangeable with the terms basement and wall rocks.
Geologists think that they were picked up from wall rocks by the lava as it moved toward the surface.
The mineralized wall rock mostly, but not exclusively, consists of shale-argillite (slate).
This time it actually took some of the tops off the protective wall rocks.
All but Peggy's room would be dry wall rock with a patent roof.