The walls of the abscess have become indurated - thickened and hardened, you know because it's been there a long time.
Whether or not wall thickening in the carotid artery and the femoral artery (or other muscular arteries) have the same meaning is as yet uncertain.
The wall thickened and became opaque; only the low ceiling remained transparent and permitted the entry of light.
The wall of the capillaries thickens slightly.
By teenage and adult age, its walls have thickened to three to six times greater than that of the right ventricle.
The scar tissue causes the alveolar walls to thicken, reducing the lung capacity which leads to the patient experiencing shortness of breath (dyspnea).
After separating from the basidia the outer wall of the spores may thicken, although they generally do not increase in size.
It seemed as if walls of some material like smoked glass were thickening around him, cutting out the red glow and obscuring the view.
During heavy infections, intestinal walls may thicken and exhibit marked inflammation.
At one spot, however, the wall soon thickens.