But Venezuela's news media, which had aggressively offered wall-to-wall coverage of the mercurial leader's downfall, wanted nothing to do with the story.
I knew the media were up to something with their wall-to-wall coverage of the Columbia space shuttle explosion.
Such wall-to-wall coverage is expensive, especially for channels that are already losing money.
The marriage is bound to get wall-to-wall coverage.
"But that could change if the war changes and there's wall-to-wall coverage" again, she added, referring to reporting that runs ad-free.
They were all watching wall-to-wall coverage of the civil war in the Holy Land.
As always, the cable networks, committed to wall-to-wall coverage, had the most difficult job of sustaining interest in the story.
The wall-to-wall coverage is feeding off compelling visual images.
The real events are already receiving such complete, wall-to-wall coverage that executives are asking, what could a movie possibly add?
Although committed to wall-to-wall coverage, the news divisions had few new facts.