He pressed his face to the dusty window, and sure enough, down there between two low rusty ridges was a great walled field, the Port.
The band had turned into the road, avoiding the walled fields which would be an obstruction it could not hope to overcome.
Breeding animals, the best of flock and herd, were confined in the barns or in the walled fields close by the settlement.
I walked round the walled field and found myself at the edge of a tinkers' camp.
The site is enclosed in a walled field and contains numerous early churches, high crosses, round towers and graves in astonishingly good condition.
The road ahead dipped low between a barn and a walled field.
This time they emerged on the edge of the walled field Paks had seen from her windows.
Today all the monastic remains are grouped together in the Precinct while Burgess Court is little more than a walled field populated by tourists and sheep.
The landscape was spread out before them: walled fields, patches of trees, a sprinkling of houses, and the escarpments leading up to the castle.
The walled field was separated from another of its kind; perhaps the gap between them marked some roadway long since overgrown.