Mark watches want ads for a week, gleefully tears envelope open, finds ratty old wallet stuffed with newspaper.
IMAGINE you're an 18-year-old rapper who grew up in a ghetto, dreaming of wallets stuffed with $100 bills.
The smile remained as Gene pulled out a bruised-looking wallet, stuffed with credit card slips and fuzzy-edged scraps of paper.
He showed Pete a wallet stuffed with dollar bills.
But in the pocket that bulged from inside Durand's overcoat, was a wallet stuffed with more than a thousand dollars in currency.
Ms. Cummings drew blood, while another nurse collected his belongings in a plastic bag: a baseball cap, a gold watch, a wallet stuffed with yellowed receipts and a weathered batch of color photographs.
Only 10 percent can be converted on departure, which could leave the traveler with a wallet stuffed with useless bank notes.
With a wallet stuffed with zloty worth £50, the cost of the musical that never was, I embarked on a cultural tour of the Polish capital.
Yesteryear's Filofax people were bad enough, waving their thick, unkempt notebooks around like giant wallets stuffed with the cold, hard cache of top-secret phone numbers and super-power appointments.
The wallets, stuffed with photographs and identification papers, were discovered a week ago by workers who are demolishing the theater.