A long way from picking out wallpaper patterns.
The "objects" may be geometric figures, images, and patterns, such as a wallpaper pattern.
Three distinct wallpaper patterns have been discovered on the third floor.
"We're trying to show people that it's been around for a long time and that throughout history, many well-known designers created wallpaper patterns."
Computer technology now makes it possible to show a table turning to water and a bird on a wallpaper pattern zooming right off the wall.
A comparison with the photo on her videotape turned up other discrepancies, including the wallpaper pattern.
When you look at the wallpaper pattern above, what do you see?
For those with something smaller to adorn than a room, there is wrapping paper based on four of the wallpaper patterns.
In my mind's eye I took down a partition, added a window for light, chose a wallpaper pattern, placed the furniture.
There were four wallpaper patterns in the living room, none of it really matching the gold carpet that covered the first floor.