"Do you think General Grant will want a third term?"
For her book, she wants a better term to describe the blurring of boundaries between work and family.
Mason wanted a single seven-year term to insure that all Presidents would "return to that mass from which they were first taken."
The odds were that if Wilson wanted a third term as president, he could get it.
I've said that I don't want a third term, and my son-in-law certainly would like at least a first term.
If Mr. Bloomberg wants a second term, he will have to reach out to these various constituencies.
Americans are usually forgiving when they vote a man into the White House and he wants a second term.
Wanting a more positive term, he and a cousin came up with Satya-graha, or Truth Power.
It's slipped into usage with some people like ourselves, when they want a common, ugly term to label somebody.
Politically, his correctness may be another matter, at least for a man who wants a second term.