You are working with others who want to bring down our democratic republic and replace it with a socialist-progressive model.
He would want to check each item and replace any that might not survive another contract.
They want to tear down bad ideas and replace them with good ones that work.
Now the federal government wants to knock down about 4,500 of the remaining 7,900 apartments and replace them with mixed-income sites.
In fact he wanted to annihilate the states and replace them with administrative districts.
Successive building owners wanted to change the sculpture or replace it with advertising.
The admiral, on the other hand, wanted to destroy the system and replace it with his own.
Some people wanted to force Elizabeth off the throne and replace her with Mary.
"They wanted to drive the goddesses out of Olympus and replace them with male gods."
He wants to eliminate the current tenure system and replace it with a new one.