Hazlitt sarcastically observes that Scott appeared to want to obliterate all of the achievements of centuries of civilised reform and revive the days when "witches and heretics" were burned "at slow fires", and men could be "strung up like acorns on trees without judge or jury".
Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany set two daunting tasks for herself on Wednesday in her new role as European Union president, saying she wanted to save the bloc's faltering constitution and revive stalled global trade talks.
Curtis originally wanted to do a direct sequel and revive the vampire Barnabas Collins.
The Government wants to reform labor laws and revive an agriculture sector that is in very poor shape, but that would lead to unemployment when the Prime Minister has said he would lower it.
The incumbent says Mr. Baesler mainly wants to pay off political debts and revive his career.
Now, with the North's missiles able to strike Tokyo and its artillery within easy range of Seoul, officials in both capitals want to lower the temperature and revive regional talks that have been stalled for seven months.
Louis-François Richer Laflèche, the Bishop of Trois-Rivières, who wanted revive the sanctuary built there by the pastor of that town.
Who wants to remember or revive the chaos of the 60's?
It is ironic that the UK which is debating its own issues with Scotland's push for independence wants to try and revive the defunct "Somali Republic" (The unratified union between Somaliland and Somalia in 1960).