The game ended with players fighting, the pitch turned out to be a war area.
There is lack of resources due to the war area cutting off access to areas because of violence and danger.
To monitor, on the field, the situation of the movable and immovable cultural property in war areas.
I've gotten into war areas more than once in the past.
The Japanese had warned she should not be in the middle of an active war area.
After the war area economic diversification brought on by the war effort helped in the transition to a peacetime economy.
Either Bright himself, or his presence in the war area, had triggered some unusual plan for military action on the part of the Friendly mercenaries.
It was all very colorful and attractive, more like a garden than a war area.
Reporters are required to obtain a special permit from the military to visit war areas, and these are not readily issued.
She has taken courses in war areas, prison and Army.