The war of Austrian succession caused very heavy damage to the city and decimated the population by epidemics.
Original game plot number 125343: the year is 1999 and a massive war has decimated most of the world.
Multiple invasions and wars decimated the collections, but 1564 marked a turning point with the first printing press.
The war and the Plague decimated the population.
The war had decimated their ranks, and if anyone had managed to forget, he reminded them now.
The internecine war, dragging on as it had, had decimated the population of the region.
Famine, plague and war decimated the population of western Europe.
The civil war decimated the city's infrastructure.
But the war in Mozambique decimated its wild animals: those not killed by poachers were eaten for food.
Continual wars sapped Iraq's wealth and decimated its people.