Even so, few industry experts think that war will drive oil or gas prices significantly higher.
There were hard words, for it is long since war has driven us from the green fields; but there have been no evil deeds.
Civil war in Angola has driven more than 370,000 people from the country, and everyone agrees that they are refugees.
And it fears that a civil war would drive millions of poor Shiites into Iran.
The 13-month war in Bosnia has claimed well over 130,000 lives and driven more than two million people of all three ethnic groups from their homes.
There he remained until the war with Napoleon drove him back home and into debtors' prison for almost seven years.
A war would drive prices to $50 or higher, he added.
The war drove more than a million Mozambicans from their homes.
A few weeks ago, I wrote an article titled Do wars drive technological advancement?