The tug of war event was a fairly simple affair, as only two teams competed.
But the currency meandered lower then as the market's recent numbness to war events once again crept in.
Besides, his sword should also have symbolic meaning, because the municipality area was often affected by war events.
On the radio they follow the war events in Europe.
Several aircraft of the company were destroyed on the ground in different war events:
And of course, any future interruptions in programming for special coverage of war events may have an effect on the sweep result.
The respected parent audience was also invited for the tug of war event held between the parents and the staff members.
Mavromichalis is maybe the main clan family name related to war events of Modern Greece.
"This became the third major war event symbolizing "the triumph of Dominican will.
I saw wall wreckage and projecting beams, inspired undoubtedly by the memory of the war events in this region.