New crowds began to show up in the audience: war profiteers.
She called herself a special kind of war profiteer.
These are the true war profiteers, and it is a further sign of our greatness that we suffer them.
Earth mother and war profiteer rolled into one, she lives off others' misfortune.
We have war profiteers, and there are people waging their own private wars.
He was later found to be a war profiteer, involved in the black market and a smuggler.
This note had been the subject of distrust anyway and many were held by war profiteers.
But large corporations and war profiteers had been reimbursed much more quickly.
They are war profiteers, making money out of the starvation of others.
Pepper likes to consider himself a free spirit, yet in practice he is nothing more than a war profiteer and a drunk.