As the war unfolds, news will be delivered by an online newspaper.
In a matter of only a few hours, the entire war was unfolding.
But as the war unfolded a degree of caution and restraint emerges in Woodward's description.
Sassaman's men quickly found that the war was not only still going on but also unfolding in a way they had not anticipated.
As the war unfolds, Thomas and Parker seem to get along, for now.
Since then, a war of small, quick and often brutal engagements has unfolded, attracting little international attention.
Domestic bookings have not fallen yet, he added, but that could change as the war unfolds.
How would the war unfold in the Atlantic and in Europe?
As the war unfolded, Lyons had to deal with numerous problems.
I have at times, as the war has unfolded, secretly wished for things to go wrong.