I suggested Monrovia, the war-ravaged capital of Liberia.
Thousands are streaming towards the war-ravaged capital, Mogadishu, despite ongoing offensives between the government and the Islamist al-Shabaab group.
Today, any similarities with the war-ravaged Confederate capital are long gone.
The United States almost doubled its emergency aid for Somalia this week after the United Nations refused to organize significant assistance for the nearly 10,000 civilian casualties in the war-ravaged Somali capital, an American official said today.
A relief worker with the International Committee of the Red Cross was seriously wounded today when he was shot outside a hospital in the war-ravaged Somali capital, Mogadishu, the Red Cross said.
After a long and bloody civil war that has decimated more than half of its population, Mogadishu, the war-ravaged capital of Somalia, is finally emerging from its miserable past.
Horrible memories have followed those who fled the war-ravaged Somali capital, Mogadishu, this week for the relative safety of this town about 50 miles down the coast.
Two weeks ago, 24 aid workers - 2 Americans, 2 Australians, 4 Germans and 16 Afghans - were arrested here in this nation's war-ravaged and hunger-racked capital.
Referring to the war-ravaged capital of Georgia, Ambassador van Schoor said, "If they can build a four-star hotel with sauna and swimming pool and modern phones in Tbilisi, of all places, then what's wrong with Kiev?"
Shortly after noon, tens of thousands of men converged on the many mosques in this war-ravaged capital.