Emerging from a long and bitter war, the war-ravaged nation was politically isolated.
President Bush has long argued that the military should prepare for winning in combat, not spend its time rebuilding war-ravaged nations.
Even in a war-ravaged nation like Rwanda, Walters had kept his values.
In war-ravaged Western nations, some of which taxed capital gains at a low rate or not at all, this worked to rebuild industries with surprising speed.
The former secret police chief shows himself to be a shrewd political infighter and deftly appeals to nationalistic sentiments in his war-ravaged nation.
So as they travel through the war-ravaged nation, Linda's knowledge keeps them alive and provides crucial guidance.
After years of isolation, the war-ravaged nation was reunited under the monarchy in 1993 and has seen rapid economic progress while rebuilding from decades of civil war.
The Taliban preside over one of the world's poorest and most war-ravaged nations.
As we are learning in Iraq, military security and economic development in war-ravaged nations are inextricably linked.
The film explores shame, stress, jealousy, self-loathing and anxiety through a politically unaware couple attempting to flee a war-ravaged European nation.