In 1813, he suffered a serious war-related injury, from which he never fully recovered.
He died of complications from war-related injuries on May 17, 1875.
A veteran who goes to a Government hospital for a war-related injury, for instance, will sometimes get free treatment for unrelated problems, like asthma.
About 60 have war-related injuries; 75 percent of them are from mines.
During World War II, Mullingar was leased by the army to house the overflow of convalescing soldiers from the sanatorium, given the huge increase in war-related injuries.
Haunted by unhappy memories of combat and in constant pain from war-related injuries, he committed suicide, by a self-inflicted gunshot to his chest, on November 12, 1971.
None suffered serious war-related injuries during war service.
After a seven-week illness, Hoople died at age 54 on Friday, September 29, 1922 in his home at 277 Brooklyn Avenue, Brooklyn, of war-related injuries.
Every day, between 6 and 10 people with war-related injuries arrive at the AMISOM field hospital for civilians.
Also exempt are suicide, overdose with toxic or poisonous substances, injury of an athlete during a professional sporting event, and war-related injuries and accidents.