Ahmad is now challenged to continue his life's vocation as a healer in his war-torn homeland.
Aqim Bacqa, 68, a native Albanian living next door at 182 McLean Avenue, said that the raid had brought back bad memories of his war-torn homeland.
It is reported that Lusha's personal experiences in various countries, and in her own war-torn homeland, inspires her passion for humanitarian work.
He was probably safer there than in his war-torn homeland.
News accounts of children plucked from war-torn homelands and whisked to the United States for medical care make it seem almost simple.
This was no small contribution from students who were not only thousands of miles away from the war-torn homeland but were also self-supported.
These pictures are not preserving a dead friend's memory, but they are preserving Mohammad and Samir's war-torn homeland without violence involved.
It was a visit to his parents' war-torn homeland of Croatia that suddenly inspired him to drop out of school after a year and enlist in the Army.
Refugees who learn skills or earn money can be an asset to their war-torn homelands when they return.
A number of deportees have reportedly been executed since returning to their war-torn homeland.