The warden asked if he any special dietary needs.
As is customary, the warden, having finished his recitation, asked the condemned man whether he had any last statement to make.
But after the warden asked if he had anything to say, his expression was sober.
That when we go before the wardens to ask for justice, we go as man and wife.
The warden will ask the condemned individual if he/she has any last words or wishes to make a statement.
And he hadn't really figured out how to be a prisoner, or he wouldn't have kept quiet when the warden asked him a question.
The older warden, the one in the Stetson, asked for his pistol.
At his parole hearing, the warden asked the board to let Mr. Haywood out.
The warden asked him if he'd like to make a statement.
The warden asks the girl to leave the institution immediately.