After the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1992, he remained in Kosovo while warfare raged in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bonaparte gave me these directions in a very abrupt manner, which made me think that some little domestic warfare had been raging, and that to put an end to it he had come to propose his ultimatum.
But between the other gangs, and especially between the Table Hill and the Three Points, which are much of a size, warfare rages as briskly as among the republics of South America.
After Landmark Battle, New Landlords Rebuild There are no bullet holes in the brick walls of the landmark housing complex on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, but warfare surely raged there.
In some cities, urban warfare rages between rebels and right-wing militia members.
Serious warfare raged throughout New Zealand for nearly thirty years, only ending when all tribes had acquired muskets.
Such warfare as now rages the length and the breadth of Italy has not been seen since the end of the Roman Empire, twelve centuries ago.
In between and during the passing of the armies through Loudoun, bitter sectional warfare raged in the county.
Ethnic warfare still rages in Darfur, in the west, where fighting between African rebels opposed to Mr. Bashir's rule and Arab tribes on the side of the government has killed 70,000 and driven 2 million from their homes.
Several strong and mobile Boer commandos with guns moved about in it, and an energetic though not very deadly warfare raged between Lemmer, Snyman, and De la Rey on the one side, and the troops of Methuen, Douglas, Broadwood, and Lord Errol upon the other.