It was the fashion nowadays to hide aggressive actions under the cloak of pacifism and to pretend that these warlike acts served the cause of peace.
A pirate is a person who commits warlike acts at sea without the authorization of any nation.
Withholding the elixir is a warlike act against myself.
When they commit warlike acts for nothing--without plan, without conquest, apparently for the sheer joy of destruction?
This is an example of vintage diplolingo: the creative use of synonymy to put a peaceful spin on a warlike act.
Two violations of international law, both defined by treaty as warlike acts, have recently occurred.
Every sailor enforcing a blockade knows the term of art for the warlike act of stopping a ship suspected of carrying contraband: board and search.
I am not certain that the ritual itself is a warlike act, Captain.
This was that he was himself too old and creaky to sit a horse, brandish a sword, and perform other warlike acts.
It was the third time in history that a warlike act prompted postponement of major league games.