My sister, last seen buzzing on warm brew, married an architect, moved to the suburbs, enrolled in graduate school.
Fiben took a long swallow of the warm, bitter brew.
She woke me in the late afternoon, shaking me and offering some warm brew from a simmering pot by the fire.
After taking a sip of the warm and bitter brew, the junior engineer massaged the muscles above his left knee.
Alsgood sipped his coffee, but the warm brew added no color to his cheeks.
He sipped the warm brew gingerly, no longer interested in the politics of hunger-striking.
Which was all right by me, except it would be warm brew.
Lan could swear he smelled honey moments before he accepted the warm brew.
He sighed as the warm brew filled his stomach.
Dutifully, Alex took a breath and lifted the tapered glass of warm brew.