A wonderfully flaky warm croissant, served with the shop's own fruit preserves ($1.25), would go well with a frothy cappuccino ($1.75).
At the circular snack bar, why not a warm croissant and mulled cider or a cranberry muffin and herbal tea ($1.25 and $1, respectively)?
Freshly squeezed orange juice, strong coffee, home-made yoghurt, beetroot marmalade and warm croissants took seconds to arrive at our chosen table.
My jam is wonderful dolloped on warm croissants, plain white bread and cream-smeared scones.
Tachyon spread a lace tablecloth across the hood of the Lincoln and laid out breakfast: warm croissants, thermoses of hot tea and coffee.
I poured myself a cafi all lait, took a warm croissant out of the basket, spread butter and homemade strawberry jam on it.
"Jesus, if you had a warm croissant and a cup of coffee, I'd come right over," Lucas said.
After dunking ourselves in our pool?sized tub, we dunk warm croissants in bean?fresh coffee.
In the United States, sweet fillings or toppings are common, and warm croissants may be filled with ham and cheese or feta cheese and spinach.
Rachel brings a warm croissant in a basket for me and a generous plate of eggs and bacon for my husband.