The sky was covered in gray cloud and the air was so saturated with moisture it felt like warm drizzle.
The warm drizzle outside turned to tropical rain; no other sound made itself felt.
They boarded the plane the next morning in a warm, light drizzle.
They paced the full length of the ship in the warm drizzle, with Caldris alternately pointing things out and demanding answers to difficult questions.
Outside, a warm drizzle is falling, and a hot fog rises from the granite stones of the courtyard.
Outside, a warm drizzle has begun to fall.
When he did, a warm drizzle of wine trickled from her mouth to his.
The Duo rolled out of the warm drizzle, and pulled up close to the portico.
Stepping outside, a warm drizzle met them, a soothing, light hush on the alleyway that they entered.
Lincoln looked out the window at the unseasonably warm drizzle that fell on the mud-sea that had once been the White House lawn.