Back inside Eileen's womb, warm and dark, he tried to sleep and failed.
I like to shut myself off from it, to create a warm and aromatic womb within the walls of my kitchen.
He returned to his origins lovingly submerged in the warm womb of nature.
In them, she had been enfolded in a womb, warm and contented.
De Marigny was already fast asleep in the warm womb of his weird vessel.
He was inside that peculiar device, that space-time vehicle, right now - in a warm womb between the worlds.
Swimming dreamlessly in that warm, dark womb, nourished by the mother, held safe and fast until the moment when the outside would be faced.
I felt grateful to be locked away in the warm, dry womb of the plant.
Until he died curled up like a foetus in the warm womb of the earth.
He laughed, a worm in a dark warm womb.