In volleyball, pepper, usually used as a verb, is a very popular warm-up drill, generally involving two players.
But that was just the warm-up drill for an epic lesson in glamour.
He played two games and crashed into a parked truck during a warm-up drill, fracturing his kneecap.
He asked the players to run the three-man weave - a traditional warm-up drill - with the egg instead of a ball.
One lawmaker described it as a warm-up drill for the coming fiscal year's budget, which some officials say may have a deficit of up to $3 billion.
"Those two guys pulled that off like they were just playing pitch and catch in a warm-up drill."
The 6-foot-9-inch Carr grabbed the rim trying to dunk after catching a pass in midair during a warm-up drill.
Stutter step - a common warm-up drill where you shuffle and scuff your feet in a quick moving motion across a length of flooring.
In 35 minutes, Williams wiped away the 186th-ranked woman in a 6-1, 6-0 warm-up drill.
She ran through a warm-up drill in the middle of her room and was pleased by the smooth, graceful flow of stance into stance.