There was little wind, and the day's warmth lingered in the sheltered valley long after the sun was gone.
The borrowed warmth of the sun does not linger for very long in the dark.
Two hours had passed since sunset but the warmth lingered in the air.
Now is a lovely time to visit: the summer visitors have gone and the warmth lingers on.
It was as if the human warmth that had been theirs while they lived lingered on horribly after death.
Within the walls of the herb garden, high and sheltering, warmth lingered.
The warmth of her touch lingered, and he wanted to shake his head.
The warmth of the welcome still lingered, but it seemed to have been pierced by an icy thrust.
The warmth of being part of something lingered in his belly.
We seek a great pit in the ground, where the warmth may linger.