Mr. Buck also warned prospective buyers not to fall into the Land Trap.
He warned his merchandisers and buyers to think of the long term because short-term gains mean little in the life of any business.
The city will issue special notices, she said, warning potential buyers that if they sell the bonds before maturity, there is a risk of loss.
The department warned buyers that they were at peril.
He further warned buyers to make sure that the city's zoning code and the building's condominium documents allow for the planned alterations.
He said the lizards end up abandoned because many pet dealers do not warn buyers how big and difficult they get.
But financial planners and mortgage analysts warn buyers against using interest-only mortgages to look beyond their means.
The word is a code to warn drug dealers and buyers that the police, who drive marine-blue and white cars, are coming.
This yaoi manga, like many others, are sold in shrink-wrapped and carries an 18+ age advisory sticker to warn buyers about explicit content.
Still, word was seeping out, sometimes through safety sheets warning buyers of the pure vermiculite about tremolite contamination.