According to the coevolution theory, the colors are warning signals towards insects that use the trees as a host for the winter, for example aphids.
The bus will have alarms to warn cars traveling too close to the it, and signals to warn other vehicles when it is about to turn.
There are warning signals indicating suicidal intentions.
He hoped that it was nothing, but John Radkowski's instinct for trouble was already giving him warning signals.
These traits are warning signals, and if you observe them in any of your relationships, You should proceed in that relationship with caution and much prayer.
Some critics have questioned whether the company, in its haste to cash in on a gambling gold rush, overlooked or brushed aside warning signals.
There had been warning signals, though.
However their colors are warning signals indicating special capabilities to deter predators, such as bioactive chemical defense.
Father feels makeup and nail polish are warning signals of prostitution, the same as pierced ears.
Were there warning signals about Hemphill Harris tours?