Women in her program are warning other women, especially those who have to ride buses to jobs after dark.
She additionally warned other women not to be blinded by love like she had been.
Police say the man may be dangerous and are warning women to keep their car doors locked when travelling alone.
Until now, there has been little doctors could do to prevent it other than to warn pregnant women against bad habits, like smoking and drinking.
Ms. Cooper calls herself a feminist, but she warns women that construction work is not for the faint of heart.
The police warned women in the Boston area to be on their guard.
Fuller also warned women to be careful about marriage and not to become dependent on their husbands.
I think the bright colors are to warn women off.
Authorities advised people living in the area to secure their homes, and warned women not to walk alone after dark.
Above all else, the firearm companies warn women about the danger of rape.