The consulate's most recent warning, issued in May, still advises extreme caution when travelling in Chiapas.
Among, other warnings, the Health Department advises people not to seek shelter under a tree during thunderstorms.
Despite warnings by authorities advising he remain in custody, Rupolo knew the Mafia's power extended behind the prison walls and wanted to leave.
The new warnings advise against giving such children stimulants.
Instead, a court must ask, "Could the warnings effectively advise the suspect that he had a real choice about giving an admissible statement at that juncture?
The warning advised of the "possible risk of terrorist attacks against sites in Kenya particularly in Nairobi and Mombasa."
That warning advised Americans to defer travel to Saudi Arabia, and those already there to consider leaving the country.
Do not consume alcohol, drive or operate machinery while taking this medication, the warning on the Darvon vial advises.
We do not need warnings to advise us of that.
The warning, usually an audible and visible alert, advises the immediate evacuation of the enclosed space.