Cole's "Course of Empire," a depiction of a civilization destroyed through a failure of self-vigilance, was a political warning aimed at the America of his day.
A warning, aimed at all Institute outposts.
But India exploded what it called a "peaceful nuclear device" in 1974 - a warning aimed at China, not Pakistan.
In a pre-emptive warning apparently aimed at the legislators, Mr. Zarb wrote, "We will be especially sensitive to the county backing away from unpopular cuts, or budget-busting new initiatives."
Sign of the times: "Andre," "Corrina, Corrina" and "Angels in the Outfield" are all family-oriented films that incorporate anti-smoking warnings aimed at young viewers.
Before President Clinton put military muscle behind his negotiations in Haiti, his attempted intimidations, exhortations and dire warnings aimed at the local junta were summed up as huffing and puffing.
The group made reference to the evidence of Mr. Samper's alleged dealings with drug lords and described the attack as a warning aimed at forcing the President to resign.
It is a warning aimed at all activists, bloggers and ordinary people.
On July 17 President Saddam Hussein of Iraq threatened to use force against Arab oil producers if they did not curb their excess output, a warning clearly aimed at Kuwait and the Emirates.
Potentially hazardous products often have warnings aimed at reducing exposure of the user.