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She opened her mouth, and he raised his hand warningly.
"All the more reason that you should eat," he told her warningly.
He turned and put his hand up warningly to Clara.
Another man in what was left of the next house over straightened and looked warningly at him.
Ellen called warningly, as though I might not have seen the gun.
He started to speak; she gestured warningly with eyes and head.
"I shouldn't stay out here too long," he told her warningly.
I put my hand over hers and pressed it warningly.
I frowned warningly, and they began to whisper among themselves.
"You need to make the timetable," the Marine said warningly.
She tried to catch Flora's eye, and shook her head warningly.
The agent shook his head warningly and looked up at the ceiling.
"You aren't entering just to look," the man said warningly.
Safaraz called to us warningly but it was too late.
And all the devil ever wants in exchange, a small voice said warningly, is a soul.
And he is not going to be too keen on you continuing with your career, either,' she'd added warningly.
"You promised me there'd be nothing more than red tape," she said warningly.
From this safe position he said warningly: "We have powerful friends who will soon come to rescue us."
'You'll not try to keep me?' he said warningly, looking her in the eyes without a smile.
The man looked at Blade warningly and cleared his throat.
"And not a time when we should be stirring anything," Alison said warningly.
I won't have you burying yourself in there,' he added warningly.
The traffic officer paused, waved his book warningly and said something.
"I have never actually gotten into combat myself," Madame told her warningly.