At Dos Pilas, a pair of stelae represent the king of the city in costume forming a jaguar and eagle pairing, characteristic of the Mexican warrior cult.
They hire their experts and fighters mostly from criminal gangs and tribal warrior cults to do their operations.
Saint George held a special place for the men of chivalry of the Medieval, because he was the Saint that killed the dragon and was therefore held in a warrior cult.
But I did not know it was a warrior cult.
They never fit in, except in Erief s warrior cult.
They did form a separate caste, a warrior cult built around the myths the Company left behind.
These popular accounts convey little about the Toltec warrior cults, their actual warfare, or the practice of human sacrifice that was becoming commonplace.
How could they hope to compete against an advanced race, weaned on the warrior cult of Minerva?
Ninja outfits ranked seventh on the list: more than 664,000 youngsters dressed up as ninjas, who were members of a secret warrior cult in feudal Japan.
However, several of these figures also seem to carry swords or daggers, and Henig discusses them in the context of warrior cults.