A sole warrior survived the Eternal War.
I don't think the warriors will survive what's ahead if they know what happened to the mission.
Monfor calms Lana and claims that only a true warrior will survive the trip.
In any case, only twenty warriors survive the battle, including Oisín and Caílte.
Charge in bravely, that was his mantra, his code, and indeed, that was the way a true warrior survived.
If the warrior survives, the game determines if the warrior gets their stat train or skills.
Only a truly great warrior can survive the Corridor of Death.
In doing so, of course, it injures the body and can even make it die, but an impeccable warrior survives, always.
Can the warrior survive the feminization of the military, or are we sacrificing military effectiveness on the altar of political correctness?
He did not desire that the warrior survive an armed confrontation with the badge.