The burly warrior swept Lester into his arms, gently hauling the stricken sage to safety.
At the same time, the warrior spun and swung his feet at Cyric's ankles, sweeping the thief's feet from beneath him.
The ghostly warriors swept after them.
Encircling their scrawny, reptilian necks with his huge hands, the warrior swept their heads together.
The warriors swept into the town, breaking open doors, smashing windows and slaying the groggy occupants.
The hammer-sharp ring of iron-shod hooves sounded on the sam as the warriors swept past.
The exaggerated claim that 2,000 "bloodthirsty warriors were sweeping all Northern Illinois with the bosom of destruction" sent terror through the region.
The warrior swept into the tributary, alert for obstacles.
That attention was reached only after warriors had swept the top of their tables clean.
Slipping into the night, with the chattering bursts of Encizo's M-60 hammering in his ears, the warrior swept the outer perimeter at a run.