Patric Walker remembers it as dark, a result of wartime blackouts.
After December 15, 1941, wartime "blackout" trim was used.
"If New York is ever thoroughly blacked out," Mr. Kahn said in reference to a possible wartime blackout, "no man will take it harder."
Stan and Hilda had married six days after Hilda tripped over him in a wartime blackout.
It was named for the wartime blackouts.
He died from being run over during a wartime blackout outside the Athenaeum Club in Pall Mall.
Many of the houses and flats did not even show lights, their windows boarded up as though a wartime blackout was in force.
That was in complete darkness, with no landing lights and all other lights obscured by the wartime blackout.
At night, as I discovered, electric power was cut to save costs; it was as if the wartime blackouts had never ended.
When night fell, Oahu was abnormally dark from the wartime blackout.