She intercuts the memories of her wartime childhood with the scenes of her return to Vietnam in 1986 and a family reunion after a 16-year absence.
Carrickfergus also describes a wartime childhood, with rationing and "maps above the fireplace", and a "huge camp of soldiers" in sight of Carrickfergus Rectory.
An image of a sleeping boy with a small Fascist plane flying over him also refers to the artist's wartime childhood, spent near Dresden.
The discussion is repeatedly interrupted by flashbacks from the boy's wartime childhood.
Suffering from a wartime childhood and post-war shortages in London, Timothy has little to enrich his early youth.
She was an energetic, middle-aged Ukrainian who had spent a wartime childhood in an orphanage and who still had shrapnel in her from a German bomb.
She is charming, lovable and almost totally without an interior life, retaining from her own wartime childhood only "the last lingering shadow of doubt, a doubt that was always experienced as dissatisfaction."
A wartime childhood may provide rich inspiration for a writer's work, allowing him to weld a child's naturally artistic perception of the world to the drama of extraordinary events.
Growing up in Poland from the age of 4, he survived a terrifying wartime childhood.
"Chronicle in Stone" evokes a wartime childhood in exquisite, fantastic metaphor.