It is likely to trigger a potentially divisive debate about Belgium's wartime conduct.
After publication of the book, Chang campaigned to persuade the Japanese government to apologize for its troops' wartime conduct and to pay compensation.
Properly decoded and reassembled, these will spell out the untold account of her grandfather's wartime conduct.
At the center of the dispute between it and the Jewish groups are accusations about this country's wartime conduct.
It was crucial to Dulles that Japan not face claims arising from its wartime conduct.
Another View in Japan Japan's Socialists said the nation had "turned its back on the historical truth" by refusing to "sincerely apologize" for wartime conduct.
As a result of this wartime conduct, he was honored with the then rarely given Iron Cross.
While Germany has repeatedly apologized for wartime conduct, Japan seems much less contrite.
Hague Conventions, addressing the codes of wartime conduct on land and at sea, were adopted before the rise of air power.
Nezavisne is not alone in carrying objective coverage of current events and investigating the wartime conduct of its own ethnic group's leaders.