In 1805-9 John Claude Nattes painted 105 wash drawings of both the house and gardens.
From early wash drawings, her work evolved into a series of cement paintings meant for outdoor use, inscribed with faces, and words like "joy" and "love."
The art work is a wash drawing of an angel by Marc Chagall.
Ms. Wilson exhibited imposing oil portraits as well as a large dramatic black and white wash drawing of a patient in a hospital bed.
From the first two years in Ambleside have survived some good small wash drawings of scenes throughout the district.
This was the method developed in Germany; in Italy only tone blocks were often used, to create an effect more like a wash drawing.
Keller bent over the papers, astonished not only at the number of wash drawings but, as much, at the subjects.
They resembled the style of wash drawings also known as chiaroscuro.
Barber started with rough pencil sketches and developed them into more detailed wash drawings.
In 1951 he gained employment doing wash drawings for a newspaper mat agency that specializing in supermarket ads.