Such waste includes paper products, tools, protective clothing and other items.
But the waste includes few pollutants, and they dissipate just hundreds of yards from where they are dumped.
Low-level waste includes such things as clothing, paper or building materials which have become contaminated by radioactivity during their use at a nuclear plant.
The toxic wastes in question include thousands of chemicals and metals that can cause health problems ranging from cancer to birth defects.
The wastes include fresh manure, food wastes of both animal and vegetable origin.
Hazardous waste includes asbestos and materials contaminated by oil and chemicals.
Hazardous wastes that you may produce from chemical manufacturing include:
The waste includes radioactive machinery, parts, equipment, clothing and tools.
Low-level radioactive waste includes contaminated material from hospitals, research laboratories and industrial sites.
Catering waste does not include 'former foodstuffs' from retailers or food manufacturers.